Stained concrete floors are a great option because there are several different color options to choose from, which means that whatever aesthetic you are trying to match, you can find a color that works.

Stained concrete floors are a great option because there are several different color options to choose from, which means that whatever aesthetic you are trying to match, you can find a color that works.
Many urban areas can struggle with flash flooding or large puddles of water pooling in unwanted places. This can cause damage to your property or cause issues when it comes to safety. In order to prevent damage and safety issues, many industries are trying to come up with drainage systems and new innovations to help.
When choosing your concrete flooring for your business or facility there are a lot of different finishes you can choose from. One popular finish is stained concrete.
If you own an auto shop and need something durable for your flooring, you should consider polished concrete! It is durable and low maintenance, which is perfect for this location! You may be likely to consider epoxy flooring, which is common in some garages. Here are some reasons you should avoid garage floor epoxy.
There’s colored concrete and then there’s stained, dyed, or painted concrete. The difference is that with colored concrete iron oxide color pigment is added to the concrete when it is being mixed.